M2 Course
M2 Exit
Intro to Motorcycling
Intro Belleville
Intro Kingston
Intro Whitby
Intro Ottawa
Intro Peterborough


Loyalist CollegeBelleville Introduction to Motorcycling - (Training Motorcycles are Provided)
Loyalist College
PO Box 4200 
Wallbridge/Loyalist Road
Belleville, Ontario
K8N 5B9

Tel: (613) 969-1913 ext:2143 or 1-877-887-8223   
Fax: (613) 966-5945
Email: bblaind@loyalistc.on.ca

Cost: $141.25
(including taxes)
Payable to Loyalist College
(Cash, Cheque, Visa, MasterCard)

Refund Requests accepted up to one week prior to your scheduled course starting date. All refunds are subject to a $55.00 cancellation fee.

Course Requirements: Applicants must provide their own helmet (some may be available, but it is best to bring your own) leather gloves, jacket (leather, jean or ballistic nylon), pants and above the ankle leather footwear. Note: Running shoes are NOT acceptable.

Applicants should come ready to ride since all of the 3 hour course is spent on the motorcycle.

A Word About Risk 
Motorcycling is inherently risky. Although we strive to provide a very safe training environment, there is still a risk of injury. These courses are strenuous, tiring, mentally and physically challenging. On an average course, a couple of people may have a minor accident and receive scrapes to knees and other body parts. A few people during the training season may incur more significant injuries such as fractures and sprains. You will be required to sign a waiver of claim prior to taking our course. If these risks are unacceptable to you, and you do not wish to sign the waiver, please do not register.

Course Registration:
1. By Phone: (613) 969-1913   1-888-569-5478
2. Mail to:

Loyalist College
Attn: Brenda Blaind
PO Box 4200 
Wallbridge/Loyalist Road
Belleville, Ontario
K8N 5B9

3. Fax to: (613) 966-5945
Monday: 6pm-9pm
Note: Please call the College for information about which dates are still available.
2011 Dates
Spring Summer Fall
May 2 July 11  

Courses will run rain or shine
All courses are subject to minimum enrollment